Building without approval in NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT
There are different rules for exempt development between state regulations, where there can be different size/height restrictions, setbacks from boundaries, etc, depending on the location and situation of your property. You can start by looking at your project from the highest level, then work your way down through the layers of detail until it becomes clear whether or not your project could qualify as an exempt development, or if you’ll need to go through the approval process for either habitable or non-habitable development.
One thing in common between all states is that exempt developments cannot be habitable. Sheds, garages, workshops, cabanas, storage rooms, darkrooms, utility rooms – these are the types of structures that can be permissible to build without approval. You can NEVER build any room without approval, anywhere in Australia, IF it’s going to be used just like any normal room inside your main house. This type of room, ‘habitable’, no matter what size, always needs approval.